A Match Made In Heaven?

Aesthetics is the philosophical study of art. I am looking ahead to your next question, and I have to say that for all his continuing presence in philosophy, Plato has some intuitions that do not translate with the same immediacy to modern thought, above all when religion is involved as it is in the case of poetry.

The inference from the immediacy thesis appears to go through only if you employ a notion of immediacy stronger than the one Hume, for example, takes himself to be defending when he claims (in a passage quoted in section1.1) that in many orders of beauty, particularly those of the fine arts, it is requisite to employ much reasoning, in order to feel the proper sentiment” (Hume 1751, 173).

The conventional view is that aesthetics is on the periphery of Wittgenstein's philosophical concerns; his own view is that only aesthetic and conceptual problems are at the forefront of his interest. Guyer, P., 1993, The dialectic of disinterestedness: I. Eighteenth-century aesthetics”, in Kant and the Experience of Freedom: Essays on Aesthetics and Morality, New remote viewing training York: Cambridge University Press.

Then there is the fact that his writings on questions of language, both in the Philosophical Investigations 7 and the Tractatus 8 , have recurring allusions to music: reflections on the meaning and understanding of sentences are put side by side with reflections on meaning and understanding musical themes, meaning blindness is compared to being tone-deaf etc.

NP: I do see this difficulty between philosophy and aesthetics. Apply ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics theories in analyses of important contemporary issues. Or aesthetic properties might be conceived as those prominently possessed by works of art, or those on which aesthetic experience is centrally directed.